Architect Mies van der Rohe believed that God is in the details. If God is in the details, then this home is a temple.

A beautiful corner
I went over to Vasudha Aunty’s place to deliver Venki Palimar’s terracotta sculpture and ended up clicking pictures and requesting a home tour. Sometimes you connect to people irrespective of age or any other social parameters. Our love for art and décor was an instant connector and we bonded just like that.

Beautiful carved Goddess
An aesthetically decorated home built over two levels, her love for Indian art and sculptures is reflected in her rich collection of over 30 years. She tells me about her hunts in the different parts of Bangalore looking for treasures which now have pride of place. Right at the entrance you get a glimpse of the personality of the home maker. A beautiful mail box painted in Madhubani greets the visitors and the quaint bell announces her love for brass. In the cosy garden by the car park area Vasudha Aunty has used the compound wall to make a statement.

The colourful entrance

The Garden decor

The warm living area
Her collection is so vast that she cannot display them all. Her doll collection in Kinhal is something I am looking forward to. Just one or two pieces were outside and the rest were packed away. I can’t wait for Dasara and Gombehabba display at their place.

Warli Art mural

Madhubani Mural and a colourful chair
You will notice a lot of artwork which she picked up at the different Chitrasanthes. She has her favourites and goes back to their stalls every year! The wide range in woodwork carvings is picked up by her on holidays in Karikkudi. She recalls these shopping trips with a twinkle in her eye, remembering what a steal the panel was. In fact she recalls that there was a gentleman who immediately offered her a price three times of what she paid. But she tells me that she had already fallen in love with the piece and refused the tempting offer.

Beautiful collection of Carved Panels
Dr. Kumar and Vasudha Aunty have built this home with love and this is reflected in the well preserved beautiful warli art by their daughter Sowmya. She has inherited her mom’s love for art and has painted a chair in pretty bright colours. Aunty has lovinglykept her son’s and daughter’s toys which form a display all on their own.

Original Artwork collections
They have also built a farmhouse in the traditional style with an open atrium and Atthangudi tiles for flooring. I have been invited to visit the farmhouse and I can’t wait to see it. Vasudha Aunty,an endearing lady with a warm home reflecting her personality and love for Indian aesthetics, this lady has my heart.
Lots of twinkles